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Author: Ventsislav Simonov Page 4 of 11

Grounding System In Power Amplifiers

Here is a very good schematic showing a tipical power amplifier grounding system. I have tried it ina many of my projects and it works every time. No hum, no ground loops no noise. Dead silent. Of course a proper power supply routing on the main PCB is critical. If done properly some very very high performance could be achieved.

Update 18.10.2014

The schematic was proposed by D. Self in his book “Audio Power Amplifier Design”. For any further info, please check out his work.

Power Amplifier Design by P. Baxandall Part 2. Negative-feedback Concepts.

In the January issue the concept, and possible consequences, of slew-rate limitation were discussed, with particular reference to one cause, in which the first stage of an amplifier is unable to supply the current demanded by the collector-to-base feedback-stabilization capacitor in the second stage. With suitably modified circuit designs such effects may be made insignificant. Before specific circuits are discussed in later articles, the present article will deal with some basic ideas about negative feedback and transfer functions.

Baxandall power amp design part2 – >>>LINK<<<

Tube Manual by Western Electric – part 3

This is the third part of the manual.

Western Electric Tube Manual. Part 2 – >>>[ LINK ]<<<

Tube Manual by Western Electric – part 2

The second part of the Western Electric tube catalog.

>>>[ LINK ]<<<

Tube Manual by Western Electric

Part 1 from a tube catalog by Western Electric, USA.
The collection show almost complete range of tubes manufactured by Western Electric including the WE300B, WE417A, WE437A and many many others.

More parts of the manual to follow soon…

1941 Western Electric Tube Manual. Part 1 – >>>[ LINK ]<<<

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